Soil, Water and Moisture Testing

Posted on July 17, 2020

Know what's in your soil.

Soil is the basis for growing healthy turf and plants. The minerals, organic matter, air and water all provide the necessary nutrients, and understanding the balance of your soil will make the difference in growth, vigor and longevity.

Soil testing is important for improving nutritional balance, optimizing production, aiding in diagnosis of plant diseases, and save time and money choosing the right products to balance your soil. It’s important to take an effective soil test sample in order for the results of the analysis to be as correct as possible. 

Your local Genesis Sales Leader can also assist you in the soil testing process.  We work with several soil and water testing companies, including Waypoint Analytical, Logan Labs, Ag Source, and ISTRC. Waypoint explains in their article Soil Sampling how to take a soil test in your home lawn or garden, as well as how to send in your sample to be tested. ISTRC's main objective is to provide turf superintendents with the necessary information to be proactive in regards to cultural practices that affect the understanding of sand-based greens, push-up greens, and athletic fields. See sample soil reports on ISTRC’s website to view the thorough data you would receive from your soil test. 

Our Sales Leaders are also able to test your water for the folowing: pH, Conductivity, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Iron, Carbonate, Bicarbonate, Chloride, Sulfur, Salt Concentration, and Boron. And tissue testing of plants can be done to measure: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc.

Genesis also sells moisture meters and other products for testing moisture, pH and firmness. Learn more about how impactful these “gadgets” are for your business by reading this GCM article What the tech? Moisture meters for greater efficieny, healthier turf and #askagenesisrep about soil testing, water testing and moisture meters today!